Sunday, 28 July 2013

BitTorrent Bundle a new platform for Files sharing

On 05.July.13, Bit Torrent launched its new platform for file sharing named as BitTorrentBundle.  Bit Torrent which is a San Francisco-based company that developed the peer-to-peer file sharing technology. Many of the people know about the torrents and use that in daily life but don't know that Bit torrent is actually a technology founded by Bram Cohen, a Software Engineer in 2004. According to the BitTorrent, Inc. BitTorrent is utilized by 150+ million active users. Based on this figure, the total number of monthly BitTorrent users can be estimated at more than a quarter of a billion.

Bit torrent Bundle is a new kind of torrent format which is like a bundle of contents that not only includes free content, but also acts as a gateway to additional material, offering creators a chance to distribute and profit from their work by themselves.
Although many people thinks know and believe that BitTorrent is a software that everyone uses to download files illegally . Many people don’t realize that we have over 2 million pieces of licensed and legal content available in our ecosystem,” Matt Mason, BitTorrent’s VP Marketting said to the online site .

As BitTorrent Bundle just released the contents available is low but it contains most of the files and things are free, but in many of the bundles can ask you to support the artist by paying pre-ordering an album, paying a portion of the list price like 40 % off, or you can pay by you choice for whatever you have chosen  for the download.

Bit torrent bundle is so awesome that it contains all the files in a single bundle and you don't have to do much to download that, you just have to go to the and you can see lots of music, videos , books and trailers are in Tiles format with the artist names and you can select any one of them just by clicking the Tile.

For example if we want to download the music Bundle for Public Enemy which is a very famous Music Band in US,  First we have to select Public Enemy Tile from home page and then following window appears.
where we have two options like if you choose Support the Artist it will take you to the Apple ITunes page for public enemy Band and you can download the Songs of you choice as you do on ITunes Store.

OR you can select the Download option which takes you to the unlock page

Apart for this file we have an option to check out Some exclusive videos and Songs by unlocking the Bundle. Bundle can be easily unlocked by providing the Email address.

Here is the You Tube Video introduction to Bit Torrent Bundle

So isn't it a great initiative for supporting music artists and the music industry and most important a very great way of downloading and File sharing using the same Torrent.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

How to Download from Torrent.

What is Torrent or Bit Torrent ?? 

BitTorrent is a protocol that enables fast and easy downloading of large files or data from internet using minimum Internet bandwidth. It costs nothing to use and free for any one who have an Internet connection. These days torrent is used for downloading Movies , Music , Books and Software's.
In computers language a torrent file is a specially formatted binary file, as computer knows only binary format. The torrent file only contains a list of files, integrity metadata about all the pieces, and an optional list of trackers for the file on Internet. In easy understanding the BitTorrent file is a type of distribution system, a torrent file is a computer file that contains metadata about files and folders to be distributed, A torrent file does not contain the content to be distributed that's why the size of torrent file is always in KB because they are very small files ; these small torrent file only contains information about those files, such as their names, sizes, folder structure.
You can found more about the Torrent technology here...

So how to use torrent to download something ?? 

To use BitTorrent for file downloads from internet, you need to install the BitTorrent client software.
You may also need to tweak your firewall and network router (if you use these) to accept BitTorrent files. We'll give you all the details to get started. But first, here's a synopsis  of the steps:
  1. Download and install the BitTorrent client software.
  2. Check and configure firewall and/or router for BitTorrent (if applicable).
  3. Go to Torrent Sites like and choose your files and select option Download Torrent File. Best part is you can see how to file looks like and all using screenshots or sample file
  4. There is a very good search engine , which can be used to search torrent file on internet and download.
  5. .torrent file is downloaded in your local machine.
  6. Open the torrent file downloaded above using BitTorrent client.
  7. In Bit torrent Client you can see the downloading started for your selected file and you can stay connected after the download completes to share your .torrent files with others......

Help TIP : At the Time of Downloading the .torrent file for your file select the torrent file which is in good health condition and the no. of Leeches and Seeder are high.

Some of the more common terms related to BitTorrent are:
  • Leeches - People who download files but do not share files on their own computer with others.
  • Seed or Seeder - A computer with a complete copy of a BitTorrent file (At least one seed computer is necessary for a BitTorrent download to operate.), So always take the file which have higher no. of seeder for high speed.
  • Swarm - A group of computers simultaneously sending (uploading) or receiving (downloading) the same file
  • .torrent - A pointer file that directs your computer to the file you want to download
  • Tracker - A server that manages the BitTorrent file-transfer process


How and Why we Set PATH in Windows ???

PATH is an environment variable on Microsoft Windows and Linux based Operating Systems. Environment variables means the variables which can be used in the whole environment. In PATH variables we specify a set of directories where executable programs are present.

 Lets Understand how PATH variables works for you ????

1.First press Windows + R button to open Run Window.
2.On Run Window type mspaint and click OK button.

3. Now You can see Microsoft Paint is open for you.

So you will be wondering like how MS-paint opened with out clicking shortcut icon or executable file for Paint??
Answer is simple PATH, because Windows have a default PATH variables which contains some of the directory locations where executable files are present and executable programs. So when you type MS-paint which have already present in the PATH variable located the Paint and open that for you.

Where can I See edit or change my PATH variables ???

  1. From the Desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties.
  2. Click Advanced System Settings link in the left column.
  3. In the System Properties window click the Environment Variables button.
  4. Environment Values Window is open for you where you can see all the environment variables your operating system is using.

 Select Path variable and click Edit... button and you will be able to edit and see all the path  variable.

You can specify the complete path of your application in Variables Values and that application location is going to set in path and you can access that application from any directory in Command prompt and Run.

How to set your Application path in PATH variable ?????

For Example I have installed BitTorrent application on My machine and I want to set the path.

Step 1: First get the PAth of the Installation like C:\Program Files (x86)\BitTorrent  where my .exe file is present.

Step 2: Copy the path.

Step 3: Open Environment Values Window and then Edit System Variables window as above mentioned.

Step 4: In Variable Value text box type C:\Program Files (x86)\BitTorrent after the last value, apply semicolon( ; ). between previous path variable and new variable.

Step 5: Click ok and Finish.

Step 6: Now Check whether the Path is Set or not by opening your application from Run.

Step 7: Open Run Window using Windows +R , type your application name Example : BitTorrent

Step 8: Press OK button and Check you application is opened for you.

Now You can access your application very easily and Fast....

Thanks for Reading !!!!!!!


Friday, 26 July 2013

Magic of Selenium Webdriver 2.0

Selenium Webdriver 2.0 is a very popular Automation Testing tool for Web based Applications. These days most of the Software companies are using or trying to use and implement Selenium in their Testing Process.
Selenium Webdriver is nothing but set of API which can be used to automate your web Application very fast and easily.

So lets Start and Create our First JAVA Programme using Selenium Webdriver !!!!!

Important Note: I am writing this for the Very beginners in java and selenium.

First you Need the following list of tools on you machine

1. Eclipse
2. JDK
3. Selenium Webdriver Jar file
4. Firefox Browser should be installed.

That's It !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Step: First

Install the Downloaded Eclipse and JDK on you local machine.

Step: Two

Launch Installed Eclipse and you will see the Following Screen...
Select the Java Prespective from the List of Different Prespectives, like below...

Step: Three

Now Java perspective is open You Need To create a Java Project.
Click File -> New -> Java Project

Now You can see a New Java Project Dialog is open.
Enter Java Project you want to create like Example:  FirstProject and Click Finish...
Now You have Successfully create a Project you can see that on you Package Explorer View.

Step: Four

We need to Create a Java File in this Newly created project.
Select the Java Project -> Right Click -> New -> Class

Enter the Name of the Class File You want to create like Example: FirstWebDriver and click Finish..
After Finish You can see Default Package With the Class you have given is Created.

Step: Five

Now our java programme have been create, we need to include the Webdriver jar file we have downloaded.
Note: to use webdriver API in you programme you need to include the Selenium webdriver jar file to your Build path of Eclipse.

Select You Project -> right Click-> Build Path-> Configure Build Path...
You can see the Properties for you Java project dialog is open..

Select libraries TAB and then Click -> Add External JARS....
Now You need To give the Selenium Webdriver JAr file Path you have already downloaded in your machine and click OK.....

Great !!!! We are Almost ready to Start with the Programme...................

Step:  Six

So Selenium Webdriver Jar file Path is Set and we can use the methods, So lets START...........

First let me tell you ,What we are going to Do in this First Basic Programme...
1. You are going to use Webdriver to open
2. Enter Any search query in the Text Box.
3. Click Search Button

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class FirstWebDriver {

public static void main(String[] args)


//Create a Variable of Webdriver Interface and an instantiate FirefoxDrive.

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

//Using the driver object open


// Just enter the query string in the Google search input box


//Click Google Search Button



Step: Seven

Now the Programme is ready to launch and show you the magic of Selenium Webdriver.
Select and right click -> RunAs -> Java Application
After that the programme will launch Firefox and start the Search on Google....................Enjoy !!!!!

Thanks for Reading ......

What is Coming Next...............
In Coming Blogs I will Try to Explain Each and Every basic concept regarding JAVA, Selenium Webdriver, Eclipse, How to write TestCases, Use of TestNG/Junit.